That shizz ain't cute, just saying (Female roles in relationships)

I don't even know how to start this off there's just so many ways.

Well if I have to tell you one thing it will be this >> In a relationship I will be damned if I ever have to do something. That's grounds for breaking up on the spot.<< I mean yeah there will be times I don't want to do something but I'll do it anyways to keep things trucking along. That is my own choice and is still pretty much me submitting to "I want to do this in order to ___".

But I will never EVER be made to do something if I don't want to. I will never have my mind made up for me. And I will not submit to another person because there's "no other way to get it done". To heck with that nonsense it's hello goodbye right then and there.

I'm not like a big feminist or anything and personally I do like the classic roles of a woman cooking cleaning and a bit of catering to loved ones. I will do that for the person I love in the future but that's because I will want to. Plus I doubt I'll be doing it every day just most of the time and my partner will take the load sometimes or we will share.

But my partner can take a hike if that's what they -expect- of me and -want- me to be doing this all the time. I do what I want because I want to do it, I don't do what other people want and I don't do what I'm told. If I'm with a person and their clothes wouldn't get washed unless I washed them, break up. If I have cooked and cleaned for a person and they get upset by the reverse idea, break up. If I love and tend to you and you never return the favor, break up. If you expect all this to fly out of my butt hole 24/7 and get angry if it's not, break up.

I'm not saying my partner should dote on me hand and foot or do everything I do. But the person should at least meet me half way. You know if you don't wanna wash my clothes then ok but at least wash you're nasty clothes okay. And if you don't want to clean the whole house okay, at least clean half cause you live here too. I find it completely disrespectful otherwise. Plus If that's the vibe I'm getting I will not be doing that shizz for you anymore and you better not even make it an issue.

It may seem contradictory of me to WANT to do these things but NOT for a person who specifically desires that. I guess I want who ever I'm with to relize it's a treat not a right, not a rule to follow, and not "how things should be". Who ever I'm with needs to understand it is just me being my freaking nice self and doing what I feel the situation calls for in me. And if he feels the situation calls for him to be a self centered arrogant sexist jerk all the time then we can go our seperate ways.

I'm not saying a person can't enjoy when these things are done for them but ... There's just this certain kind of enjoyment that you can just see in a persons face and you know it's wrong. It's not this sweet -thank you my sweet dear you're great- vibe it's more like this greedy -I desrve this and this is how it should always be- type feeling. That's what's bad, that's when you know this person is kinda selfish. Especially if they start doing little things after that to sorta keep you in that habbit. It's not big things enough to make you want to call them out but the longer you let it happen it will all build up and you became all the things you never wanted.

Plus it's not as if that all I'll be doing all day. I have absolutely no plans on becoming a house wife even when I have kids. So I know nobody will be using the exscuse of "I work to pay these bills" or some shizz cause dude I be working too. And if this person has a hard laboring job and thinks it's some exscuse to act like they are tough cookies or above me think again. My thoughts on that are "It's not my fault you didn't take school seriously." Of course there will be exceptions to this rule but a majoriety of the time that's the case. School and college can be hard but it's nearly never imossible.

Dude it is not even cute to have a person feel like these classic female roles make me a "real woman". I do not find that flattering. That doesn't make me proud to hear. Plenty of men do those things too does that make them "real women" too? Don't get me wrong I like getting compliments on cooking and cleaning and I do think people need to know how to do these things. Key word PEOPLE not just girls every grown person needs to know how to care for themselves and others. Or else it's just like how the heck have you come this far?

Anyways I could go on and on BUT to make a long rant shorter I guess I'm just saying I think relationships are a two way street 50/50. You gotta give some to get some etc etc. It's respect, trust compromise it is not self centered, cookie cut or forced.

I guess this was all sorta inspired by my dad. He's not a jerk or anything but he was raised to be one of those men that just expect that from women and that's just what a "good" lady does. He had my mom waiting on him hand and foot in the beginning over the years it's mellowed out VERY much he cooks and cleans and does laundry too. But he still has his moments and you can tell he doesn't really like doing these things I wonder if mom wasn't sick would he even do half the stuff he does still? Anyways I just got sorta heated cause I did something nice and cleaned his mess in the kitchen an he had this sorta smug satasfied look on his face. He said thanks and that I didn't have to do it and I said no problem. We didn't fight or anything but it was just this look and it was like... It wasn't a greatful look it was more like he thought he was so cool or something. And then I got to my roomand started thinking of other instances and just selfish people inthe world and it got to the point where I was screaming in my head I AM SO NOT EVEN THAT TYPE OF GIRL!! And then I had to write about it..... That's all.
June 4th, 2012 at 06:42am