Witty me: Also known as the of Madam Nixie! (A.K.A ME!) jUNE, 4, 2012 Monday: Who do you think is better; Boogie man or Freddy off of Nghtmare on Elm street?

June, 4, 2012, Monday 9:11pm
-They gonna clean up your looks with all the lies and the books to make a citizien out of you!
Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you son so they can watch all the things you do!
Because the drugs never work! They gonna give you a smirk cause they got methods of keeping you clean! -Teenagers: My Chemical Romance.
My chemical romance... What should I say about you? You are my insperations? No that won't do not enough said... How about you are just amazingly awesome? Yep that sums it up.
This song has been my song for the day because well it is kick ass song!
I had a very good day today, went to the pool for a bit, talked to Sandman, ( I have decided I will get over my issues with him and stop being a bitch.) and I am super excited to see him thursday. Me and him have been having this debate about who is more kick ass the Boogie man ( Mr. Boogy is what his friends call him when he is pissed.) and Freddy crougar from Nightmare on Elm Street.
Since he is considered Mr. Boogy he voted that the Boogie man is ten times scarier and cooler than Freddy, while I on the other hand believe Freddy surpasses that childish chomo. (Yes Freddy was indeed a chomo in the new movie but the original he just haunted teenagers dreams, while the boogie man haunts childrens all the time so obviously since Boogy goes for the younger ones he is the chomo while Freddy is the peddy[Pedophile.] Or maybe he is a craddle robber? What do you think?)
Anyways so we had this long discussion (Psh no arguement!) about who would win in a fight and he seemed to think Boogy would cut off Freddies head, while I just scaufed. Freddy is the one with freaking KNIVES on his hands! How can a green guy surpass that?! He just says BOO! Plus Freddy has died ad came back like several freaking times man! So we managed to agree to disagree because neither one of us was going to admit defeat. (I will win eventually... Freddy will haunt his dreams now!)
What do you think my future pimpers? Freddy or Boogy? (Keep in mind that one scares little children while the other at least goes for teens;D) This debate is not over. Madam Nixie knows what she is talking about people!
Besides that debate I would say I behaved myself a bit today. Work was a bit slow so after thirty minutes of torturous weed pulling outside, (The front of burger king has to be cleaned too.XP) my boss let me go home and I kicked it at home with some friends. Very intresting day, and I was in a very good mood.
Well that about covers todays maddness or sweetness whichever you put it, I bid all of you future pimpers a goodnight!( Or day depending on where you are?)
With strength and care,
Madam Nixie

June 16th, 2012 at 06:27am