Day 4..... it came like 4 days after day 3, so it totally counts!

didn't forget this, just lately there have been many things that need to be completed. grad school stuff. pretty sticky business

but to make up for it, i now have 3 official projects going on! yeah -_-

so 1) i need to fix the printer. i have no idea where to start. this is great! i can tear this thing up so fast!
2) attempt to fix a hard drive that fell.... i'm almost about to give up on it though. it may be beyond my capabilities.
3) the dreaded task of cleaning/ rearranging my room. i've found some posters from 2002-2003, that dates back to about 10 years ago. yeeeaaahhhh. i need to clean this room. if it is going to be a suitable storage room anyways.

there will be no pictures for this cause it just looks hideous. as in i wish i wasn't as okay with mess as much as i am. is it abnormal to be okay with chaos?
when ever i go to the mall and see all of those clothes neatly folded and stacked i just want to go thought and mess them all up.
*sigh* i need to get myself checked. that's for sure. :P

until next time, or hopefully when my room is clean!
June 20th, 2012 at 08:57pm