The awkward moment when...

You find the story you started to write based off you and your best friend, who you then started dating and then you broke up and now you don't talk to each other anymore.

That just happened. Hahaha, wooooowwwww.

I even put in other characters like other people from my life. But the character that represented me was much more ballsy and bitchy. I like it. I wish I could be that way more, especially toward people who hurt me. Buuuuut instead I just let them walk all over me.

I'm in such an odd mood today. I just wrote this comment on this slash story, Desirably Hateful and I'm pretty sure the author is gonna either piss her pants laughing or report me...
"Uhm. I think we should get married and have babies somehow, so that my children could be writing geniuses and write amazingly written novels like you. <3 Seriously though. I want your babies. Update soon(: ::crazy: "

Like seriously, who says that!?
I am so fucked up. And I'm not even drunk. I've never been not sober. Does that make me cool? Of course it does ::dance:

I'm so ready for Warped. July 1st baby. July 1st.
And then the rest of my summer sucks. Boo.
June 22nd, 2012 at 06:52am