Hey Everyone!


I'm Eric.

I've always secretly really liked writing but have never had the courage to share any of my work (or even save it...). Seriously. I would often write things in a journal and then tear out the pages and throw them away.

However, while I was dating a girl who I was head-over-heels for, I became inspired to share my work. She was a secret writer as well, and showed me that it's okay to share your personal work. When our relationship came to an unfortunate, abrupt end (not too long ago) I was even more inspired to publish some of my work as a sort of token to love lost: to show how profound of an impact she had on me, regardless of whether or not she knew it.

But anyways, I hope you all enjoy my work! My plan is to publish a poem a day for an indefinite period of time (so far I'm up to four!).

Finally, I love feedback and talking about things and stuff so send me a message anytime!

Peace, my friends. Peace.
July 1st, 2012 at 05:04am