Babysitting Madness

When staying with a friend for about five days out of the week, there are bound to be days you do things you don't want to do,
what I mean by this is that I didn't want to baby sit.
Especially, since I don't really know my friends cousins that well.

I sucked it up and went, and to be honest I'm now really happy that I came.
At first neither children would really look at me.
I basically got really weird looks from them all. Eventually, they warmed up to me and I warmed up to them.

I cooked them dinner and we ate together. Then me and the oldest who's name is Riley and I talked about games and we bonded while she taught me how to make flowers out of ducked tape.
Before, that I got the little one to drink his medicine, even when my friend (his cousin) couldn't.
I'm really happy that I came here tonight!
Best part is... I get paid.
How much?
I dont know.
But, I don't really care, I'm just happy to be here now.

Good Bye My Dear Roses,
Piper Violet
July 14th, 2012 at 05:30am