Never Say Never?

All my life, every adult i had ever met would always encourage me to never give up, and absolutely never say never. But what's the point in trying something if you know that there's absolutely no way that you'll succeed? And by telling me to "never say never" aren't they saying that i should never do something? And doesn't that defeat the purpose of the whole concept? i understand that when someone says never say never, they don't actually mean never. In retrospect, the concept is very honorable and i applaud the people who can go through life and try everything they've ever wanted to try. But lets be real here. How many people can do everything they wanted in one lifetime. I can honestly say that i will never try to travel the world, even though its always been a dream of mine. Never is a commonly used word in todays society, and i don't see that changing anytime soon. I'm not saying that that'll never change, because as the population continues to increase in size, more and more people will start to realize that chasing your dreams seems easy, but for most people, its a nearly impossible circumstance. Im not saying don't chase your dreams, because thats what i'm doing with writing. Just don't make your dreams something so far out that it can never be reached. "Shoot for the stars". Just be realistic. its okay to say never sometimes, just don't overuse the word in a negative circumstance. Live your life the the fullest, and fight for what you believe in.
Love always,
Bee <3
August 3rd, 2012 at 07:13pm