You might read this, you might not. I don't really care. But you should.

Well, this is my first shot at this. I always wanted to blog, and well here I am. There are just a few things that I would like to say...
1. As you probably already guessed, my name is not really Jane Doe, I've chosen to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.
2. This is where I would like to come to share my thoughts, feelings, ideas and other whatnots, so if anyone ever actually does read this, I would like for you to know that my thoughts are often jumbled, so I might right them that way, but I'll try my hardest not to.
3. Names have been changed for privacy reasons.

Anyways, I plan to update as much as I can whenever I can. It probably wont be very often, but whatever.


First Entry

I wish I could be a blogger like Jenna from Awkward. She's awesome. I wish my life could be eventful as hers too, but its really not. Its pretty boring actually, which kinda sucks. I'm a senior in high school, and probably have the most uneventful life in my school, no joke. I wish my life was more interesting, but well its not. I'm kinda having a bit of writers block right now, so until next time.....
August 25th, 2012 at 06:18am