
Everything is fucking messed up.L is being so fake,I can't stand it.I'm trying to keep our friendship together,but it's not working.Her and T are still being stupid and ignoring each other most of the time.It's insane.Meanwhile I'm fucking in love with K and JC will only talk to me outside of school.I don't understand how everything can be so fucking complicated this year when we've only been in school for a month.Do things really change that quickly?

I stopped taking my meds.They don't work anyways.

And of course,T started cutting again and didn't tell me,so I had to find out by reading her journal.(To be fair,she brings it to school and doesn't care if we read it).She won't tell me what's wrong,and I know not to bug her too much.

A is still wanting me to date her.I don't like her,but she won't give up.She already has a boyfriend for crying out loud,so why the hell does she think it's okay to date me too?What am I,a side project?

M is acting strange.She hasn't called me as much,and when she does she's really abrupt about it.The only time we can really talk is at her house.Whatever,though.I'll find out.I hate seeing her this way.

Why do I even get up in the morning?

I go through the motions of being happy and living but most of the time it just feels like I'm dying.I just want to die already.

September 7th, 2012 at 03:57pm