Madness {Vent, vent, vent, vent}

so, I have friends. Right?
Yeah, lots of them. and the majority have a stick up their ass, and enjoy making my life as unbearable as possible. They know the things I'm going through at the moment and they still insult everything I do. If I didn't know any better, I'd blow up on them. Me and my friend Kylan fight all the time, but it isn't a real fight, that's just how we talk. But my friends Kendra and Hayden insist on down-grading me to a level I can't stand. Hayden does it to everyone, he makes fun of people, he just...ugh.

He is persistent in making fun of how I look, what I say, how I say it, when I do something stupid. The thing is, He doesn't realize he's doing it. Or at least I don't think he realizes it. For all I know he could just be the biggest asshole ever.

And Kendra, she has a GLaDOS rp account on fb (she seriously has like thousands) and on there she insists on insulting everything I say.

If I use and over-used meme. GFNIARGU
If I say something that seems cliche. IUGBFURIGBAERG
She always makes fun of the things I say as well, and my jokes, and the things I write, and how I draw, and everything. She even went to the extent of being hypocritical just to insult me.
I just really wish I could find a friend that won't treat me like shit all of the time.
On a completely different note, I'm somewhat sad, and not angry.
I realized I've done something completely wrong (not in a moral way, in like, OH SHIT I DID THIS WRONG kinda way)
Well. Not exactly.
As you can tell I'm brutally honest. Which surprises people, I do it all the time, but no one ever believes me.
I have trust issues, too. Which, well, contradicts me being open about ERRYTHANG.
But, I might have done something so wrong that it would destroy the one thing I've been waiting for, that's finally happened.
I just wish I could have my happy ending once?
Even though this has nothing to do with my relationship, which would normally make people say
hur hur happy ending.

Well, this is the end of this rant UH-BOOT the random shiz going on in my life. Wow. this was REALLY long
October 10th, 2012 at 12:16am