People posting original stories on Mibba.

I think it's nice to see that people are writing their own stuff, because me personally, once I went original, I never went back. If I have a plot in my head that cannot be put into an original story, like if it's that related to like, Red Dwarf or something, then it's a Red Dwarf fanfiction whether I like it or not. Speaking of, I'm gunna edit Better Than Life to make it more Red Dwarf-y, because I tried to make it not so, but that just didn't work, so it's staying as a Red Dwarf fanfiction.

However, I would like to encourage people to self-publish their original work. It's not all that bad. OK, so from my experience, sales are very slow-going and you have to whore yourself out more than you can possibly do so without feeling like you're annoying the hell out of your Tumblr followers, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, whatever social networking platform you're on, but I personally find it an achievement simply to be a published author, whether I'm bestselling or not.
I personally use Amazon for my e-books, and Lulu for my paperback books. The reason for that is because everyone knows someone in possession of a Kindle. You can already get Prescilla and the Curse of the Caspian Flu on e-book from Amazon for $2.99. Right now, there are discounts on my paperbacks on Lulu, and I’d like people to grab those discounts while they have the chance. Also, my paperbacks are available on Amazon too, thanks to ExtendedReach that you can get for free from Lulu when you publish a book. It puts your book on other online shops, because I know that I had a sale of my first book via Barnes & Noble as an e-book for their Nook.

But yeah. It’s always worth a shot. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a bestseller overnight or not, if you’ve always wanted to be a published author, and you’ve put your books out there for people to buy, then you’re a published author.

I find fanfictions to be a kind of comfort zone for young writers; they know they have the talent to write a good story, but they’re either not sure how well they could pull off a story with their own characters, who they can mould into whatever they want their characters to be, or they just don’t want to try. To be fair, I even wrote a small autobiography but I was always afraid to publish that because there were things in there that I didn’t want my mom to know. Well, those things, my mom now knows because I told her when I went to visit her in August. She hardly seemed surprised but that’s not the point. I think that now she knows, I can rework it into a proper autobiography and maybe publish it one day. Maybe. But it does emphasise all the bad stuff I’ve experienced in my 22 years. Maybe I can rework it to include all the good stuff I’ve experienced in my 22 years. Who knows...? Until then, it’s staying on Mibba.

Much Loves,
Soph <3
October 22nd, 2012 at 04:29pm