Disappointment and Hope (I am so screwed blog #4)

So, I FINALLY talked to Bryce about the Halloween incident, and the verdict? He's not into me, hence the disappointment. I didn't ask why he kissed me, though, which is an accomplishment considering that it's bugging the crap out of me, but because he'd basically been avoiding me because he didn't want me to think he liked me (romantically speaking), I just told him to forget about it because I still want to be his friend (which is true).

(I would now like to point out that he was out of town for a week after Halloween and he was dealing with the stress of a new job, so he wasn't just outright avoiding me, but it probably made it easier.)

Now onto the hope part. We've hung out a couple times since we talked (well, texted, unfortunately, but we finally had the Halloween discussion, so I don't really care how it happened), and we're actually incredibly compatible (I'm speaking friend-wise as well as romantically) and as I've said before, we actually have intelligent conversations and similar tastes. Having said this, I would also like to say that we're actually very comfortable with each other (physically as well as mentally), especially if you consider the fact that we've only known each other for about a month.

So, why do I have hope? We're compatible and we're comfortable together. This means that there's a chance that he could grow to like me as more than a friend. Now, I'm not saying that it will definitely happen or that I'm totally counting on it, but I do have some serious hope for that outcome.

Now for your part: I would love some advice or to hear your opinions on this because it's harder for me to think about this logically since I'm (obviously) right in the middle of it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I greatly appreciate it, and I hope you have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night. :)
November 29th, 2012 at 05:22pm