Story shout outs! And making layouts for everyone

I'm just going to briefly say that I will be making story layouts. And whatever other kinds of layouts we can make. And I'll be putting them up for use by other people because I think I'm okay at making layouts. Do you like my new blog layout!? I just made it.

Story Shout Outs

This is a new thing I'm gonna do. When I read a good story, and I mean good, I will shout it out at the end of the week along with all the other stories I found that are pretty good. This week I've done a few free reads. And I found SO MANY GOOD STORIES. It's, insane. So I just want to shout those peeps stories out. Because they deserve it.

In Orbit
Summertime Sadness
What Once Was Home
Bourne to Die

These are all good reads, so be sure to check them out. There are still so many more, so I feel bad about it. But I get lazy and mess up the url = thing. So, yeah. :/ A lot of these I got to because of comment swap. And they were so interesting. And some of them I got to because people would comment on my story, I'd click on their name, and then I'd see a few stories so I just read them. And some were free reads. A few I've read before though. I did a free read journal today but only got one person. So, yeah...I don't know why anyone would pass up a comment swap. :o
December 30th, 2012 at 06:15am