Story Banner & Layout

I'm looking for someone who is good at making banners and layouts. 'Cause I've been looking for a good story layout & banner for my story, Showing Every Scar. As payment, I'll put you in the story as one of the guy's girlfriends if you want to, or as a mutual friend between the band and the two main characters, Avery and Veronica. If anyone is interested, PM me and we'll explain out the details and shit.

I know this blog entry is kinda short, but hey... what the hell. Plus, it says I have to put more words in the blog since it is so short. So, here is Andy back in the day with his best bud, Chance being goofballs.


Sorry if it doesn't work, just copy and paste it then.
January 6th, 2013 at 04:05am