"Even angels have their wicked schemes. And you take that to new extremes..."

"...But you’ll always be my hero. Even though you've lost your mind.."

When you were little, you were fed this idea about how life happened. And in particular, love. A simple word, with a simple meaning. Your mind was wrapped up in cotton wool, with the theory that you’d fall in love, and live happily ever after. But now you’re older, and that cotton wool is starting to unravel. And you see love for what it is. With all it’s flaws, And it’s ugly. Love isn’t beautiful. It’s ugly. And in a way, you should be sad about that.

But you're not.

You wished you'd never met them. But you can't imagine your life without them. Or even remember who you were without them. All that occurred before they came in and fucked up your life is a blur, and although you didn't feel it at the time, looking back, you were an empty vessel without them.

Pathetic. It's pathetic.

Love isn't beautiful. Love isn't kind. Love isn't patient.
Love is ugly, and cruel, and tears you apart.

Tear yourself apart with me. Let's be fucked up together. Let's drive each other mad. Let's fight. Let's cry. Let's make up just to fight again. Let's be jealous, be possessive, be insecure. Let's get high and let's get suicidal and let's hold on to nothing but each other because we're all that we've got. Let's go crazy. Let's throw away everything we've ever known, everything we've ever worked for, and let's run away together in our minds.

Let's fall in love.
February 24th, 2013 at 03:37pm