More Messages and Apologies for my Readers.

Hi, so if you're reading this right now, chances are you're reading one or more of my stories here. I know I posted a blog a few months ago explaining why updates are slow. Well, I have another one with a few added reasons as to why updates are even slower.

1: Work.
We've been so busy at work that it's almost crazy. I always heard that in the wintertime we'd be struggling to get 40 hours a week. I can't remember the last week I worked less than 40 hours. We haven't slowed down, and now as we get into spring and summer, it'll just get busier. It gets to the point where I go to work from 8:30 am, and get off sometimes as late as 10 or 11 pm. I work a very physical job, so those long hours are physically and mentally exhausting. I essentially just come home, take a shower, and go right to bed.

2: Lack of Motivation.
Lately I've just been so unmotivated to write. I don't get as much feedback, so to me it's like nobody is even reading my stories, which is a real motivation killer to me.

3: Writers Block.
I have 3 active stories right now, all of which have been going on for a while, and I'm just starting to run dry on ideas. At the same time, I've been jotting down new ideas for new stories and trying to get those started, which hasn't helped due to being busy with life. I literally started a new story this past summer, and have a chapter and a half written since then.

In addition, I've also been pretty sick these past couple of weeks. After working a 65 hour week, I got a cold that turned into an upper respiratory infection, and it's finally going away. So yeah, the last few weeks while I haven't been working super late, I've essentially been taking drugs and passing out early.

To anybody reading "So Just Fly With Me." That story is on hiatus until further notice. For one: I've lost interest in Craig Owens. I started that story when I was a fan of his, when he was with the band DRUGS, and after he dumped them and broke up DRUGS, I've just lost respect for the guy. (I have my reasons, don't get pissy with me.) I've also sort of run dry on ideas for that story anyways.

Last note: I write a lot of Avenged Sevenfold fanfiction: After I finish my three active stories on Mibba, all further Avenged Sevenfold stories will be posted on the mini-site. I will post any other stories here if I start writing for anything else. IE: I've started a fanfiction for Aaron Rodgers (Green Bay Packers quarterback) which is another story that I've written about one chapter for and haven't had time to really look at it, but if you're interested in that, then friend me or message me, or something to remind you and let you know when I start posting it.

Again: I'm very sorry for these slow updates in stories. To those of you who are bearing with me, I can't thank you enough. I really can't. You guys who keep up with my stories and keep commenting, you have no idea how much I appreciate you. Thanks again guys for your time.
March 6th, 2013 at 04:12am