I'm going to die a lonely old virgin watching SPN reruns.

I'm a virgin. My sister lost her virginity to someone twice her age and the whole thing turned into a court case that's still going on. Needless to say, I'm a bit nervous with who I chose to lose it to. But ever since I started watching Supernatural, my standards have shot through the roof (much to the appreciation of my father).

I decided that the only way I was going to lose my virginity was in the backseat of a '67 Impala with the song Ready for Love by Bad company playing. The only way. Any guy who can do that for me, I'll gladly let them take my virginity. Twice. Three times if I'm feelin' crazy.

I also decided that when I'm rich, I'mma buy a '67 Impala and sit in it. Naked. Every day. All day. With no clothes on. Because I can. Oh, hey, don't mind me. I'm just sitting in my Impala. Yes, yes I am naked. No you don't need to call the cops.

I was texting my friend about this revelation, when I suddenly realized something. I'm gonna die a lonely old virgin with four dogs, a goat, and some horses, sitting naked in an Impala listening to Ready for Love and watching Supernatural reruns and Ten Inch Hero and House of Wax and My Bloody Valentine and Gilmore Girls and everything else they were ever in. And maybe some Doctor Who and Criminal Minds because I love those shows.

March 27th, 2013 at 06:02am