~13 Deep Thinking Questions~

~Hey everyone!~
Here are some deep thinking questions that I would love for you to answer! Thanks! I also included my answers. :)

1. If the average life span for humans was 40 years old, would you live your life differently?
I would probably marry at the age of 18, have 3-4 kids and try to visit every place (like Haiti, Paris, Rome) before I died.

2. If you could change 1 thing about the world, what would it be?
That's hard... I would probably make it so that everyone country had a steady income from other countries (so world trade)

3. Which is worse, failing or never trying?
I would say never trying. You never know, you may be really good at whatever you are trying to do.

4. Has your greatest fear come true? And what is it?
Nope, and thank God for that. My greatest fear is getting locked in a small, dark room with snakes.

5.What are you most grateful for?
Freedom. The freedom to speak your mind, freedom to be yourself and (to me the most important one) believe in whatever religion you want.

6. Would you rather lose all of your old memories (what I mean is would you rather lose all your good and bad memories - but still be able to talk, write, read..ect) or never be able to make new ones?
I would rather lose all of my old ones. I'm 14, and have lots of experiences to live.
7. If everyone you knew was going to die tomorrow (not including yourself) who would you visit today?

First of all, that scenario would really suck.
I would probably visit all of my family members and close best friends.
8. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
No way! I plan living for as long as I can. Whether I'm famous/attractive or not.

9. Is it possible to lie without saying a word?

Yes. You can look down or look away from the person you are talking to when they ask you a question. Body posture gives you away, and you don't have to say a thing.
10. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?
It all depends on the situation. In ways it can be strength, it can say that I'm not perfect, I have feelings, emotions and I hurt like everyone else.
On the other hand it can be weakness. For example, if you are kidnapped and crying about missing your family members, the kidnappers see it as weakness.
So it totally depends.
11. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
It depends on who I'm saving, what law I'm breaking and what kind of danger I (and that person) would be in. So, I'm not sure.

12. What’s more important: a person’s safety or a person’s freedom?

Again, another hard one. I am going to answer it terms of age. When you are a child, or just still growing up, you need to be safe. You're new to the world and still need your parents protection and guidance Besides you don't have a super big amount of freedom anyway.
But when you are an adult, you want freedom. You want to live your own life, explore the world, try new things.
Sometimes you value freedom more than safety and other times, safety instead of freedom.
So to answer the question, it depends on your age.

13. What is your definition of a family?

People who love and care for you. People who will be there for you, no matter what happens. People you trust and want to have good relationships with.
It doesn't matter if you are blood related or not. That is not how I define the word 'family'.
May 1st, 2013 at 02:25am