How do you cope?

How must I cope to feel better? What must I do to forget the pain?
I used to think, maybe if I was like them, like the other kids, the drugs would work? They say that the fantasy world is much better and is easier to get to. I had my two sense though. I knew it would only last a good month or two before I wanted more. So instead of coping how I always saw friends and people do, I ignored the call the drugs wanted me to answer.
I used to cope by crying. But I noticed that only goes so far. Tell me, how do you cope when in the 7th grade your friend dies suddenly from cancer. How do you cope when the one person you thought believed in you the most, dies. How do you cope when you notice you've hit rock bottom, and feel like a failure. How do you cope when you have to fake a smile around the people that know you the most and tell them you are fine when in reality you're in your room crying to the songs you've dedicated to the people you miss the most.
My answer... You just do. I haven't found my cure. But, I still find the happiness I need in life to be thankful and happy. I love the little things, I treat my life with care, and grow and learn and reach out to others as often as I can. I don't judge by appearance and help and care for the people who are alone. I'm not a angel ,nor am I saying I'm some sort of saint. But I know, I try to help the people who look like they need it as often as I can. And I judge how I wished I was judged some times. And I try my hardest to never give up on someone. I try to take people away from drugs, and tell them how they can cope. Because we all can heal ,it just takes time,love,and understanding to ones heart.
June 5th, 2013 at 05:04am