
I hadn't heard about this particular issue on the internet until just recently, and frankly I'm surprised it is still going on. I'm talking about a particular trend called Creepshots.

Now, for those who don't know, I'll explain it to my best understanding. Creepshots is a website completely dedicated to taking "candid" pictures of a woman's ass, tits, what ever. By candid, I mean the woman is totally unaware that some person is snapping pictures of her, while she does whatever.

I generally don't believe whatever someone says so I decided to look to see what it actually was before deciding whether or not this was as disgusting as when it came to my attention. What I found actually surprised me, and not in the good way. Some of these women aren't even dressed that scandalous. They just went to the gym in a pair of yoga pants and suddenly they became the object of some lonely, overweight 60 year old's fantasy. These women are just doing normal things, like going to the gym, to the store, even just going to work. Some of these women's bosses are snapping pictures of their cleavage, which is the best case of sexual harassment in the workplace that I've ever heard.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that we, as women, dress sexy from time to time. When I go out, and I'm wearing a low cut shirt, I understand that at some point in the night, some guy is going to be staring down my shirt. I don't get offended. I generally don't give a shit. That's just me. Women are beautiful, sexy, and all around hot. I get that. I'm not sexually attracted to women, but I can recognize that women are beautiful.

But does that mean that men get to sit at a table with us, all the while, unbeknownst to us, they're snapping pictures underneath said table, to get a snap shot of our panties? That's just sick. I don't care who you are. I worked at a video store for four years, and I can't tell you how many men came in and rented porn. Which I didn't judge. Hey, to each his own. If that's your kink, fine. Those women get paid to show off their bodies and give men something to masturbate to. Even when the men that came in got perverse and asked if I was in any of the films, I didn't get upset. Women have to deal with being sexual objects all the time, but now we're going to get photographed for wearing tight pants and have some creep snapping pictures under our skirts and dresses? Just because we like dressing a little feminine every once and a while?

What's even worse is these men are saying that we're asking for it. That if we wear things out in public, we deserve to have our pictures snapped and become jacking-off material. Now, I'm not saying that this is the actual owners of the site saying this. I don't know, it might just be some comments from men who frequent the website. There are even some women that say that they would be flattered if someone took their picture and put it on the site. Fine. That's your choice. But it should be just that. The woman's choice to have a photograph taken of them.

How this site is still up and running, I'll never know. Last I checked, a Peeping Tom was not something that someone wanted to be. These guys are proud of being creepy fucks. It should be illegal. What's even worse is that these men have know way of knowing that these girls they follow out of a restaurant to get a shot of her 'phat' ass could be fourteen. Do they care? Nope. My point is that these women they're shamelessly drooling over is someone's sister. Someone's wife, girlfriend, partner. Someone's daughter. I hope these people realize that there's a special level of hell, reserved just for them.
June 18th, 2013 at 08:20pm