Fail Hard

I don't know, maybe it is just me. But I'm sick of not being someone. I'm sick of being trapped in this confusing, large, and for better use of words, ridiclious body. I want to be someone, something. I want to have meaning behind my work. I want to change people. I want to make people see they aren't alone. I get all these ideas and pictures in my head that would be great to write down and maybe one day turn into something I am proud of. But they never make it onto paper. Maybe because I'm lazy, maybe I'm just tired. Or maybe I feel as though nothing will happen. There really shouldn't be an excuse, but there always is one. Everything is a waiting game I suppose. But on the other hand nothing comes to those who wait around for it.

So what is the RIGHT answer? Huh? I ask you. Doesn't everyone want to know how it all turns out in the end. Will we raise a loving family? Will we make a name for ourselves? Will we be proud of what we have done looking back 30 or 40 years from now? Does it even matter? That's the scary thing. We all have one life. One chance to get it all right. But when we are long gone, buried under the ground, sitting on the mantel in a urn; will it matter? My answer is probably not. Sure you might have a big house, a nice car, even a family. In the end those are all " things" and you can't take them with you. But hear me out.

Why not try? Why not prove to yourself that you are someone. You are something. You have talents, brains, workable limps. You can take this world by storm. So why the hell not? And if you fail? Fail hard. Fail right onto your face. Slam into the ground face first. Because even though you will cry, you will hate, you will feel like giving up. When you are on the beach, sitting in a lounge chair, drinking your favorite drink, resting by your spouse, watching your grand children playing in the ocean and you look back and see just one of your giant beach vacation homes and your nice ass cars, you will remember all of those times. The times you fail, you slammed you face into the ground, you will remember them. And you will smile. You got you were you are. Be proud and NEVER give up.
June 20th, 2013 at 02:40pm