My brothers need to stay out of my life. Like i get that they want to help and be there for me but sometimes they just need to calm the fuck down. A couple of weeks ago me and grant went to go see our dad who lives in texas with his new girlfriend and while i was there i asked my dad if he would be okay with me moving back to huntington (ive been thinking about it for a while) and he said that he was fine as long as i came up with a plan, like where im going to live, how am i going to get money and shit like that. Grant over heard and said i couldnt leave because its not fair to mom to just up and leave. Then he went and told everyone else and now all my brothers are giving me a guilt trip. I would have thought they would be okay with it on account of Raff and Woods going to college down there. but no! they dont want me down there they said i need to be there for mom because "shes reaching out" but she fucking not. all she is doing is stopping by every now and then when shes not with her new boyfriend or flying to some vacation. Grant shouldnt even care he plans on going on tour with his band. but after talking to some of my brothers and their close friends they all said i should just wait until after high school then i can go when im out of school. I understand that they want all of us to be together but we are really only get together on vacations. im just annoyed that they are all trying to say whats best for me. but i guess thats what you get when you have 5 brothers. i just wish that they would let me make my own mistakes. they are like trying to buffer my life so i never have to make mistakes, and i love them for that but sometimes i wish that they would let me make them.
July 8th, 2013 at 01:11am