Soundtracks for stories?

So I was thinking about making a soundtrack to one of my stories Clarity. You know, making a quick little playlist and put it in the story so that my readers could listen to the songs that I do when I'm writing the updates. I know that sup.jessay had the songs that she used in her Eliza stories in the little note at the bottom. I loved it! It helped me get a better feel for the characters feelings and it made them more real.

By the way, if you haven't read the trilogy of Eliza, get to work because I LOVED it. Here's the links for all three!

1. Right Here Waiting.
2. All Or Nothing
3. Wanted

Do, please, check them out! I promise you won't regret them!

Anyways, I loved the way she added the songs at the end of the update. I would scroll down to check and literally play them. She actually got me obsessed with this song and I've been wanting to use it in my own stories, but I thought it would just be weird. But back to my point!

I don't know if it would be possible, and maybe we could use Youtube or that weird site you can create playlists on, but I feel like it would be so much cooler if we could have the songs playing while the story is being read. I feel like the music helps you get a better feel of the plot and characters and you have a much deeper understanding.

What are your thoughts on something like this? If it were possible to have it play without having to click anything and such, and though the reading may be finished before the song even finished...I just, I really liked the idea. You wouldn't have to open up a tab and search the songs or have to search for it anywhere--it would just be playing as you read. What do you think?

Don't forgot---if you haven't read those stories, do read them now! If you love Brian, just do it!
July 11th, 2013 at 07:14pm