Coffee at 5am

Well, it looks like I finally settled on a blogging tool. Going to another website and creating a new account just for journaling or blogging purposes isn't worth it when a site I'm already on has a blog!

Work sucks. I swear, if any of you have a chance to put off work for as long as possible, do it. Go to college as soon as you get out of high school, especially if you know what you want to do with your life. No, not what you want to do that makes money. What you want to do.

Anyway, I had a long hiatus from Mibba, but I'm back for the time being. My university actually encourages writers to write fanfiction, and I remembered I had an unfinished one here. I think it helps with character building, because we all think we know the characters who already exist and we have an idea of who they are, but really we've created them how we see them. If I just changed the names of band members and bands, it would be a story of its own. So all I have to do is find a person who already exists, and put them as a character in my story. That's it.

This is totally not where I was originally going with this. I think I'll call this my mind waste. All of the weird crap I have stored in my head that doesn't belong here, but I don't talk about it to anyone, so this is where it ends up.

I want to be a screenwriter. Since I like acting and writing, I can have them both by doing that. Originally I just wanted to be an author, but I want to see my books made into movies, so I figured I could skip the book step and just write a movie. I'm still researching it, but I want to be on the set and watch it all come to life. Picking actors and actresses, watching them turn my fictional character into something real. That's my favorite part about theater. Taking a two-dimensional person or creature printed on a script and turning it into something that moves and talks on a stage. Obviously theater and film are totally different, but still. Getting into character is the same.

In about 3 years I'll have my masters degree in creative writing, with my bachelors being in creative writing for entertainment. The last 3 years have flown by, and opportunities don't always wait for you to have a degree, so maybe I'll be able to quit my job at the bank and start writing for a living sooner rather than later.

Mind waste over. Until next time,
July 23rd, 2013 at 02:35pm