It's easy to identify a slut.

Here is a list of tramp tells:

- She talks about sex first
- She suggests kinky sex acts
- She shows a lot of cleavage
- She knows what she's doing in bed
- She has an impressive collection of sex toys
- She seeks out one night stands
- You invent justifications for having sex straight away
- You dress provocatively

The term slut... it's an awkward one. It's a slur that can be used in an insulting way and also a funny way, depending on how you perceive it. I call my friend a slut all the time. Is she really a slut? No. We always take the piss out of each other.

The above list are a few 'indicators' of how you would identify a slut- apparently. The internet tells me this is what makes a slut. What do you think of the term slut? Do you use it? Believe in it? And what do you think of these 'indicators'?
August 7th, 2013 at 09:38pm