I Got My Review in the New AP!

Hello everyone.
So yesterday I got the new Alternative Press in the mail. You know, the one with Andy on the cover? So being me, I flipped a shit because I've been peeing myself waiting for the issue to arrive.

The article about Andy is incredibly well written and I recommend you check it out, even if you aren't a big BVB fan. It was very interesting to read about Andy's childhood from not only his perspective, but also his parents, cousin, and one of his teachers.

Oh, and also, my review of the Fall Out Boy issue was published in the AP connect. Cool beans!

I was just flipping through the pages, la la la la, reading the AP connect, when I saw my name.

I was like, Huh. Emma Walters, that's my name. And she lives in the same state as me, imagine that.

I'm such a dumb fuck.


But yeah, I think it's pretty cool that they put my review in the magazine, and it happened to be in my favorite issue yet. I wrote the review in about 3 minutes I might add; I wasn't really expecting anyone to read it. So I'm quite happy.

~Amber Extermination <3
November 4th, 2013 at 02:59am