so yea i guess has to be a good tittle and not a bad one BUT W/E

So yea i think the new little thing with journals are gay YES I CALLED IT GAY!!!!!!

Friday- i went to my friends house misha's house and it was fun. we went to our friends house hes like kind of a reatared kid but hes fun to mess with. like we were air softing with him and we all ganged up on him. and HE GETS SO PISSED BUT ITS SOOOOO FUNNY but. yea this kids has like 98743982696285365826348568436756274365 things of like porn so the other kid that was the took some of his porn and its pretty funny. but yea then we went to the foot ball game and it was fun. i hung out with allot of kid i know but i wanted to hang out with jen all night but theres this one girl that i know that was all like OMG i need you like 24/7 and shes in 8Th but yes i tired to hang out with her as much as i could but . when we went up to see her mom selling food he mom made all of her friends like kiss her on the check. and i was like im so left out but jen gave me a peck on the check and i was like OMG thanks.

Saturday- stayed home all day till like 8:00 then i went to my friend cams house and hung out. then left at liek 11:15 and had to be back by like 12:00 but yea WE JUST PLAYED GAMES.

Sunday- went to cams hockey thing hes good but his dad says hes out of shape. w/e it was cool then we went back tp his house and played more games and then walked to get food then. went to the pet store and i took the tuttrle (sp) and put it up side down because it wouldnt come out. lol then we were walking back and went to this place thats sold like beds and all that and then this Chinese guy came out of no were and so yea we might get something for his basement. now im tyeing this and talking to jen so BY AND MAKE ONE NOW
September 10th, 2007 at 09:53am