We are the revival.


HP IS MAKING A MOST GLORIOUS COMEBACK. I honestly don't know who started the trend, but can I just say that this is the best thing to happen to mibba since everyone was doing group writes? Seriously, it's a revolution I suppose. (ba dum tsss)

Everyone and their mother is doing a Harry Potter story as of late, and it is without a doubt one of the most gratifying and glorious feelings. I'm so excited to read everyone's works, especially because not everyone is doing a normal HP fic. The majority of the people seem to be doing maraurder stories, which is so thrilling.

I'm a proud supporter of the HP revival that we are all creating here. It's honestly like watching something spring to life. I think JK would be extremely proud of us, for never giving up on her world and finding creation in the darkest depths of the mibbian world.

To celebrate, here are some of my favorite HP gifs.

Cries hysterically at this one.
January 6th, 2014 at 06:08pm