2014 and 2013-Debate

So my lovelies, 2014. Great year so far right? I mean JB's arrest and Miley started off the year (New Years in New York) in CLOTHES. Omg! We haven't seen that in what...like almost two years? Not only that, but JB's mug shot looks like Miley! Oh! Maybe they're twins!
Blood on the Dance Floor has hit it with the new cd, Blood unplugged. Which I'm getting the first week of Feb. SIGNED AND SHIT GUYS!
And PTV is...I think breaking up...sad if it's true! It's just what heard, so if I'm wrong, correct me!
So I'm done gossiping bout celebrities. Time for a debate!
So 2012 New Years was like "OMG THE WORLDS ENDING!" So everyone made a big deal about it that year. This year, it was like, "oh...it's New Years...Kool" at least it was like that for me. No one made a big deal about it at my school. Or at home lol.
The debate is: Which is a better year? 2013 or 2014? Take your pick and your reasons why.
****note: I will be trying to posts new debates every other, if not every day. So look out!
January 27th, 2014 at 04:58am