Seven. This is really crappy

I am so done with this life. Ugh.

We were supposed to the U.S. Today but we didn't do because of my mother. I hate this. She decided to get upset and stay home and none of us could go. Frick. She such a bitch. (Sorry but this is how I feel) I am so sick of her voice. I hope this ends and we can go to sleep. So much for a good weekend.

Anyway I'm so sorry for not updating anything. this blog or any story. I just ... ever since second semester started I have been so caught up with work and stuff. I actually have a lot of homework that is mostly coloring (for geography and art). Whatever. Well I'll try to keep up with this and stuff. I don't really have much to write though.

Other than that I hope you have a lovely weekend (or well better than mine). And happy late valentines! ♥ ♥ ♥ I hope you had a lovely one.

With love,

February 17th, 2014 at 01:57am