How I Look: I Thought it Was My Choice

I'm an average girl. I'm a bit on the overweight side; my hair, while nicely curled, is often frizzy; I usually dress nicely, but I allow myself to cheat a bit here and there.

Is this a crime I didn't know of? Are the cops gonna bust down my door for this?

I'm sorry, I just thought that based on my mom's reaction to my not liking dresses. You see, I didn't think it was fair to be accused of being a closet lesbian for preferring slacks and blouses to a dress or skirt. For this, I'm apparently not feminine.

Um, where did that leap happen? Did I miss something? Also, is there some unspoken rule that mothers are allowed to turn every clothes-shopping trip into a lecture on how it's okay to lose weight to fit into certain clothes?

Please, forgive me for liking chocolate. I didn't know it wasn't acceptable to have a few extra curves because I'm not the most cautious about what I put in or on my body. I'm 17. I think that at this point in my life, I'm entitled to wear some baggier clothes because they're comfortable or leave my hair lose and frizzy every now and then because I have no one to impress.

If I'm comfortable in my own skin, shouldn't that be enough?
February 17th, 2014 at 04:37am