I Saw Something Last Night

Honestly, I haven't been able to wrap my head around this whole situation. I don't know what to feel or think. I just know that I saw something last night. It was right in front of me. No more than one foot away. Staring me in the face. I wasn't afraid, I was interested. I was smoking my vape in my room alone in order to get a moment of peace and quiet. I blew continuous puffs of smoke for about ten minutes, and the room was completely foggy with the smoke. The room was surrounded with the smoke. Then in the next minute, the smoke vanished all together and it covered a tall, transparent figure. It outlined the figure perfectly. The figure had the stance and figure of a human being, but I knew it wasn't human. It stood in front of me, and I was in complete shock. I continued to look at it and it continued to stand there, motionless. I could tell that it had no intention of harming me, but I could also tell that it had no intention of helping me. What did it want? My breathing got shallow, not because of fear but because of total amazement. This was real, this was happening. After three or minutes of staring at the figure completely silent, I moved my right hand toward the figure to touch it. My hand was almost able to touch the smoke covered figure, but when I got close to feeling the odd entity, I saw the thing look down at my hand rapidly. And then suddenly, the figure was gone. Nothing but small traces of smoke left in front of my eyes. What was he? What was it?
February 26th, 2014 at 01:16am