Another question thing.

50 little things

1.How many pets do you own?
2 a dog and a cat

2. What’s your least favorite season?
Summer I hate the heat.

3. Do you prefer to text or call?
Depends on who I am talking to

4. Morning or night?
Night :)

5. Do you like tacos?
Yeah sometimes, couldn't eat them regularly though.

6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

7. What’s your favorite desert?
Icecream :)

8. Do you enjoy walks?
Depends on where I go

9. Are you a frequent user of Facebook?
I'd like to say no, but yes.

10. Do you watch animated shows still?
Yes :D

11. Can you roll your tongue?
Nah I tried to teach myself but it was a no go.

12. What’s your “lucky” number?
Don't have one although I like13

13. Are you scared of anything?
A lot of things

14. Big mac or big whopper?
Neither, I hate fast food patties. Chicken all the way

15. Do you like to play board games?
I love board games I am riddiculously addicted to monopoly

16. Are you fond of romantic novels?
mmm kinda they have to be interesting. I do like paranormal ones.

17. Fruitloops or cocopops?
Fruit loops

18. Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars?
Make it 5 million and I'll consider it

19. Are you a heavy drinker?
Nah not really

20. Would you forgive someone for cheating?
On a test yes, in a relationship no probably not.

21. Are you superstitious?
In some ways

22. Have you seen A Clockwork Orange?
No i want to read the book though

23. Do you like to read?
I am addicted to reading

24. Are you easily distressed?
Not really but when I am I find it hard to calm down. It takes a big thing to really push me.

25. Do you believe in aliens?

26. If you were the last person alive besides one other person you get to chose, who would it be?
I have no idea to be honest.

27. Dogs or cats?
Dogs, I love cats but dogs have such an amazing personality and love for people.

28. Are you a grumpy person?
In the morning haha

29. What’s something you hate?
People who try and hurt others.

30. Are you a worry wart?
In some ways yes, in others nope

31. Do you like having your picture taken?
It depends. If I'm with friends then I love taking goofy ones. I hate taking serious pictures.

32. Do you like cotton candy?
Eh it's okay, I wouldn't rave about it

33. Would you ever use a dating site?

34. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, absolutely.

35. Rap or pop?
mm I'm a little on the fence. I love some pop music and hate some pop music. Love some rap music and hate some rap music.

36. What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried?
Ugh my friend and I stupidly decided to mix choc-caramel icecream with bbq sauce.

37. Do you like math?
I despise math

38. Are you the type of person to laugh at others misfortune?
Eh...If a friend falls than I definitely have a giggle. If it's something serious though than no.

39. Love or lust?
40. Do you remember lyrics easily?
A lot of the time.

41. What was/is your favorite school subject?

42: Do you like tattoos?
Yes but i don't have any

43. Are you the type of person to lie?
I think everyone does lie. I don't lie a lot but i will admit that I do.

44. Do you eat porridge for breakfast?
Ugh yuck no way in hell haha

45. What music are you listening to right now?
Adele :)

46. Are you allergic to anything?

47. Do you like Lady Gaga?
I used to like her a lot more but she's alright. Her music has gone a bit down hill.

48. What about Nick Minaj? Nup

49. Do you like rainy days?
Yep I love the sound and the smell of the rain.

50. Last question, do you like pie?
Some pie haha
March 31st, 2014 at 04:41am