I Graduated Yesterday!

Hello, Mibba! How are you?
I've been so busy lately. I have a new job at a convenience store, and now other companies want to hire me, which is good because I'll be looking for a second job for the summer. I'll also be going to Minnesota this summer to see my brother! So exciting.

Also, I graduated from tech yesterday! I took (take, since class actually ends next week) marketing there, and it's amazing. Graduation was fun. I got to lead the pledge of allegiance, which meant getting on a stage and talking to I'm guessing over 1,000 people. I thought I was going to trip going up the stairs. I was so nervous! But I befriended a fellow speaker/graduate, a guy sitting next to me in the row for speakers, and he comforted me and held things for me. So nice! His friend texted him and told him to stop flirting with me, still not sure how his friend even saw us. I don't think I was flirting, but I don't even know what flirting is, so I guess I could have accidentally. He didn't deny that he was, so who knows. He was cool, though. Anyway, the ceremony went well and I didn't fall! Everyone who knows me was upset, though, because the lady introducing me mispronounced my name.

After the ceremony, my family went to dinner with Rian (ScarletTheProstitute)'s family, as she graduated from tech as well. I love her family so much, so it was a good time.

After dinner, my parents let me go out with my boyfriend. We ended up in a parking lot of a restaurant where his friend works, waiting for her to close. It was me, him, his best friend, his brother, and three people that his best friend and I had never met. I'd actually never met any of them. It was my first time seeing my boyfriend in person, as bad as that is. He was amazing, his best friend is a cool guy, his brother didn't talk very much, female stranger #1 was loud and annoying and kinda just ignored me but not in a rude way, female stranger #2 was so nice and told me that my boyfriend had told them all about me and asked about my trip to Atlanta (a story for another blog) which was nice of her, and the male stranger didn't talk to anyone really. I'm not good in groups of people, so I was pretty quiet, but I had fun. My boyfriend and I kissed and cuddled and he called me beautiful and it's good because I was worried that he wouldn't like me.

Anyway, yeah, yesterday was good.
May 14th, 2014 at 03:48pm