
Gnashing teeth, thrashing body;
twisted limbs, brain explodes.
Cross thy heart, swallow screams;
pray loud, pray often.
Maybe they won't take you.

Or maybe they will.

Bloggy blog for the sake of blogging. It's almost 5 am for me, here in the lovely state of Texas. (Woopie. My enthusiasm must be so contagious.) Though today I do get to go slide on over and see the new Maleficent movie, which is exciting. For some strange reason, Sleeping Beauty was probably my favorite princess, which is odd considering she.. didn't do anything. It was probably mostly the song. Yeah, probably – which, to my glee, Lana Del Rey covered. Oh, that woman is a goddess! And her rendition is .. phenomenal. I suggest looking it up, in fact, I suggest Lana Del Rey in general. Woman is a walking masterpiece.

I suppose I could talk more about my writing. Even though I've been a member of Mibba for a.. year? I still am not quite sure how things work aside from how to post a story & blog, really. But as for my current work in progress (Keep It Close), as of 6/4/2014 we find our main girlie (Zoya) in a bit of a sad situation.

And we'll get deeper into that, too. Picking at her brain is probably one of my favorite things to do and if someone, anyone out there gets even the tiniest chill, I'll know I've done well.
June 4th, 2014 at 11:54am