
Isn't coming!!!


It seems to to taking longer than usual!

I love saturday *starts singing fall out boy "saturday"*

On saturday it's my school's autum fair which usually sucks but me, my bf, and my friends are going to make it suck less =] we never know. We might be able to throw wet sponges at the headmaster XD!!

And I'm going to town and getting a PARAMORE t-shirt, which I have been waiting for for....... 3 weeks? Something like that.

I came home earlier from school today. 11:45am. I felt well sick! I couldnt do PE and I had to go home. My mummykins picked me up!

I HAVE to go tomorrow :-| wahhhh

Any plans you'd like to tell me? Or you know, talk about? xxxx
September 19th, 2007 at 11:17pm