5 Things I Learned While Being Raised by Dolphins

First off, I know I learned how to breath underwater and all that basic stuff, but I'm gonna talk about things I specifically actually remember learning how to do.

The first thing would have to be learning to speak dolphin. It's actually harder than you might think, getting the EEE-EEEE-EEE's and the clicking noises just right. I almost got myself in trouble with a shark, once (Yes, sharks know how to speak dolphin, too.). Luckily my Mom was there to protect me. This actually goes into the second thing I learned!!

The second thing I learned was how to render a shark unconscious. When you are positioned below a shark at a distance of several yards, you have to make a sudden rush at the shark’s soft underbelly and ram it with your snout! It never worked quite as well for me, for some reason, but more often than not there was always someone else there how was much better at it.

The third thing I learned was that there are these people with nets that like to.... Collect us, or something? I'm not entirely sure... But they are bad people, I know that much! They take my friends and family away! It was strange, though, they'd always push me BACK into the water whenever they caught me. Weird, right? That's fine by me, though! I didn't want to be taken away!

Fourth thing I learned is that not ALL humans are dangerous, though. I've seen many just swimming around in the water, playing with each other and laughing! It's really great seeing people so happy. I've never understood why sharks wanted to eat them SO badly, they aren't hurting anyone. Sharks are strange...

Finally, the fifth thing I learned was, even though some of you humans are skeptical about this, Mermaids and Mermen DO exist! I seen 'em with my own two eyes! They tend to stay in places where they can hide easily, if need be, though. People tend to freak out when they see a Mermaid/Merman, and Mermaids/Mermen are very anxious people. You have to be careful around them.

So those are the five things I learned as a dolphin, being raised by other dolphins and such, hope you liked the list! Thank you for taking the time to rEEEE-EEE-EEEad it, and have a good night... or day.... or whatever! :)

~explaining this shenanigan~
Well, that was fun XD This challenge was given to me by Katie Mosing, go check out her blog! If you want to do something like this, leave a comment on her blog entry, titled "Blog Game!", and she'll message you a title that you have to write a blog about :)
November 7th, 2014 at 02:06am