Why You Shouldn't Drink and Drive

The title is self explanatory. Here are reasons:

No one wants to watch your casket go down the aisle.

You don't want to watch someone else's casket down the aisle.

Family and friends do not want to cry themselves to sleep at night.

You don't want to cry yourself to sleep at night.

No one wants to feel the need to stress the consequences of drinking and driving.

You don't want to feel the stress of the consequences of drinking and driving.

Family and friends don't want to hate you for hurting and/ or killing their loved ones.

You don't want to hate you for hurting and/ or killing someones loved ones.

No one wants to have to call their friends from hours away because they attend different schools and feel the pain of not being able to comfort them.

You don't want to have to call your family because you're somewhere else and tell them that people are comforting others because of something you've done.

Everyone hates to see the lights flashing on the side of the road with a ghost white sheet covering someone.

You're going to hate seeing the lights flashing on the side of the road with a ghost white sheet covering someone in you're dreams.

No one wants someone to be hurt by drunk driving.

You do not want to hurt someone by drunk driving.

I cannot express how important it is to just NOT drink and drive. It is that simple. If you have had anything to drink, just sleep somewhere. Don't drive the car. Don't put the key in the ignition. If you have to, sleep in a bush. One night sleeping in a bush is better than risking your life and the lives of everyone else sharing a road with you when you chose to drink and drive.

Every time you drink and you have keys, you are presented with an option. It shouldn't be hard. The fact that there is even a second choice to when you make your decision of whether you should drive is ridiculous. Call someone. Call a cab. If you have to, call the police station and ask if someone can pick you up and drive you home because you're too drunk to drive. They will send a squad car to come get you. For the sake of everyone else, just be conscious of your decision!

I've lost a friend today to a drunk driver. This is the second one that I've lost to alcohol-induce stupidity. This time, he was completely sober and he was a victim of someone else's mistake. I cannot stress enough how important it is to remind people how dangerous this has become.

Drive safe.

November 9th, 2014 at 09:55pm