When You... Think About It

When you think about it, our country is actually fair good. In other places like Tibet people are literally setting themselves on fire in protest to what's going on. At least the majority of us in England have a voice and can express our thoughts and ideas if we really want to. There are more ways to get yourself heard, whilst in other countries, there aren't, which is why people resort to these things. It's awful and I think it reminds us just how lucky we are.

It doesn't matter if you're too thin or too big or too "ugly" or too "slutty"- whatever people say about you. If you're proud enough and strong enough to let your voice be heard you can do anything, and that's something we should all remember, cos some people in this world can't have a voice like we can. Some people are trapped, in different situations and problems. Some people are fading and the only way they believe they can stop it is to do things like these. At least we are lucky enough to not have to resort to those outcomes.

I guess what I'm trying to say is be proud of who you are, because we can achieve so much if we put our minds to it and if someone calls you ugly, fat, a slut, whatever, just forget them cos you know that you are beautiful and no one and nothing can change that and because we do have a chance to fight, our dreams could possibly become reality.

So don't let others bring you down, and more importantly, don't let yourself bring yourself down, because you're worth so much more than some people think you are.

Prove them wrong.

Prove yourself and those you care about right.
November 18th, 2014 at 08:05pm