Happy Belated Birthday to ME!

Yesterday (Oct. 3rd) was my birthday. And methinks I will give some discriptive....ness..... err....

I had a freaking BLACK PARADE BIRTHDAY CAKE! Ahh! And red/black balloons. Balloons are fun to play with. xD

I got a new keyboard (for to be practicing immitation bad grammar and my awesome piano skillz), a preeetty opal ring (OPALS ARE SHIIINEYY! O_o... yes, I am a little sugar-high. Why do you ask? ...ehehhehehe), and Cromartie High School: The Movie... and the boxed set of the anime...

It was bliss. Seriously, I even mastered the art of forcing myself to be happy yesterday. O_o isn't that... odd? I'm usually quite depressed... I think the cake had something to do with it, personally.

And it's a reeeally good cake, too. Mmm. I would post a picture in here, but I've gotta go. I do have school tomarrow... ugh. SCHOOL.

I have all of my crappy classes tomarrow, too. *is saaad*

Well, in that case, goodnight.

October 4th, 2007 at 09:11pm