My Before-Bed Routine

Well, hi again! I meant it when I said I was gonna try to catch up on the Prompt-a-Thon stuff. So I just wrote a new story, and I decided to do another blog tonight because I had coffee and my parents aren't home, so why not?

Prompt: Blog about your 'before bed' routine.

Okay, so I am a very routine-oriented person. The first thing I make sure I do is take all of my meds that I have to take at night, and then I brush my teeth because they're gross. Then I go downstairs and get a glass of milk and usually some kind of snack.

I go into my room and close the door and turn off the main light in my room. I double-check to make sure that I've turned my keyboard off from when I was practicing earlier in the night. Then, if I haven't already, I change into my pajamas and separate my clothes by color and place them in hampers.

This is where a deviation occurs in my routine - I either go and get my guitar and practice for a little bit, pick a book up off the floor and start reading, or grab my laptop from my desk and browse the internet/write a bit.

At some point, I usually take a selfie. I won't weird you all out by posting one of those because they usually aren't very good because me going to bed happens no earlier than 11 on any given night. I'll put my book, guitar, or laptop away, and finally lay down.

I check to make sure that I've set my alarm correctly for the next morning, and that I've done my homework for the night. Then I start my playlist for pretty much everything (entitled, "The Emo Feels" and has 21 tracks) and settle into my bed.

I create a cocoon with two blankets in Spring/Summer, and three in Winter/Fall. I reach over and shut off my lamp, make sure that I've finished my milk and snack (which I really shouldn't do in the dark but I do anyway because I"m dumb), and I curl into the fetal position on my right side and go to sleep.

In conclusion, I'm a boring nerd. Who totally isn't currently watching The Avengers with commentary from Joss Whedon (babe).

Goodnight, all!
April 7th, 2015 at 03:05am