Anyone out There?

It's been such a long time since I was last on this site. Honestly, all the friends I've made have gone on to live their own lives. I've done the same. I think my last post was four years ago? I can't reference check that seeing as I've basically done some spring cleaning and deleted everything...

I guess what I wanted to do here was see if anyone I knew from back then was still here, still friends with me, and still wanted to talk. Of course, I'm open to new friends! Though I can't promise to be on here that much. I'll try to stick with writing again, though. I've been in the writing mood lately and I love feedback. I hope I'm worthy of some, though :)

I've read some of my old stories that got compliments and was horrified at how... well... juvenile I wrote back then. I thank goodness most of my friends were on the same level as I was and we all found it readable! I've become much more of a grammar critic since then and shamed myself for leaving so many capitalized "I"s, among other things.

Anywho, though this isn't long, I know it's pretty unnecessary and beginning to be a rant so I'll leave it there. Have a lovely day, everyone!

May 1st, 2015 at 05:16am