Dear Diary~Prompt 25

25. Share a photo that perfectly sums up your day.

I thought about posting a picture, but how creative is that. I'm going to paint you guys one.

Close your eyes, and think about the sky. It's beautiful and blue, with puffy clouds. The grass is green and is gently being swayed by the wind. The birds are chirping and the sun is out. Beautiful, right?

Suddenly the birds stop chirping. The sun goes away. And the wind picks up. The sky turns into a dark gray almost black color. Everything turns into chaos, and nothing can stop it. The ground feels like it's crumpling. The grass is being pushed so hard it looks like it's going into the ground. Nothing can stop it.

The walls are closing in. The only thing that can be seen is a piece of land. A piece of land that is just sitting there. But nobody can get to it. That piece of land is salvation. And just when you're about to go to it, you realize that it's so far away. The jump could kill you. Is it worth the risk? Why is salvation so far away?

That's a picture that sums up a lot of my days, especially when I talk on the phone with my dad.
October 1st, 2015 at 04:18am