Mibba/Life Updates

Little miss negative Nelly is back for just a second.

Mibba Update
I’ve been avoiding Mibba lately for two reasons:
1) It’s pretty well dead anymore
2) If I allow myself on the site, I’ll never get anything done

This update is just to tell you guys that I’m well aware that I have not finished the giveaway for my candy bowl. Things have been beyond stressful and I’ve had multiple mini breakdowns in the last few weeks. My plan, as of right now, is to continue focusing on school completely. Then on Thanksgiving break I will spend some time on here, finishing the candy bowl.

I will not forget or back out on it.

I just need to focus on the most important things going on first and then work my way down the list. I promise, I will get my candy bowl giveaway finished. In fact, since it will be so long after Halloween that I finish it, I might put a little note at the beginning of each comment so you guys know I’m actually completing what I promised.
I’ll figure that out when I get to it though!

Life Update
I’m back on my medication. It’s only been six days though so I haven’t really noticed any difference yet. I hope it helps though because I’m just a little ball of anxiety and it isn’t any fun. I’m literally driving myself and everyone around me insane.

Also, for those who may have seen my blogs before about me getting a new job, here’s a little fun fact for you. IT’S STILL NOT ANY BETTER!
I’m miserable. It’s not any better. After one day of training they threw me in on my own and decided I will not be trained anymore. At all. I got one day of training, total. That’s it.

In other more awkward news, my boyfriend took me to a jewelry store to get my ring size. I don’t really feel like writing the whole story up, but the girl definitely made me feel super awkward about it and my boyfriend really didn’t help. In fact, he made it worse. Haha, but he’s a guy so what else should I expect.

Those are the super short updates.
How is everyone then?
November 13th, 2015 at 04:02am