
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

I honestly want to take that fucking phrase, throw it in a blender, tell it to fuck off repeatedly, pour out the fucking juice in the eyes of the person who said it, and then break every fragile item around me. Seriously.

Depression is a nightmare. A constant revolving door that just never ends. The very second things start to look up, BAM. You hit glass. Or wood. Or whatever the hell is in front of you. Because life isn't all peachy keen and rainbows. It's a nightmare.

The point of this blog is to virtually rant about anything. Because I'm so fucking fed up with today and how everything that I have meticulously planned for the last two weeks is just done. Finished. Not gonna happen. And it just puts the icing right on top of the fucking cake.

I was going to try to be different, try to take a step in the right direction. But I don't see the point anymore. Every single fucking time I do I'm the one that gets stabbed in the back. I'm the one that gets let down.

So I'm done. Finished. Tired of the same revolving door. I'm going to do a Damon Salvatore and turn off the switch, humanity. Because without feelings, you can't get hurt. You don't have expectations. You feel nothing.

January 7th, 2016 at 08:51pm