Stealing Surveys Instead of Studying

I'm very certain that I will fail the subject anyway. Why bother so much for so little?

Anyway, the survey was stolen from Victoria and her blog here. I don't think I ever did a real introduction or anything and I've been here since 2013. Welp.

→ Name: Evy
→ Birthday: March 31st
→ Nickname: Evs, Ev, Lizard (pls hah)
→ Eye Color: Dark brown
→ Hair Color: Medium brown naturally, currently black (because ~Morticia~ vibes ehehhe)
→ Zodiac Sign: Aries
→ Your weaknesses: I just cry a lot idk
→ Your fear: Failing my year at the moment (see how what I'm doing about it though haha), grasshoppers all the way I hate them
→ Your perfect pizza: Plain margarita I suppose?
→ Goal you’d like to achieve: Finish everything in time, hopefully work in a lab somewhere
→ Your best physical feature: Smile c:

This Or That…
→ Pepsi or Coke: Coke
→ McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald's
→ Adidas or Nike: Uhh idk I don't really care
→ Chocolate or Vanilla: bOTH
→ Cappuccino or coffee: I stopped drinking caffeine altogether ;v;

Do You…
→ Smoke: Not anymore c:
→ Curse: Extremely so
→ Sing: Hah yes. But very off-key
→ Dance: Not if I can help it, though it did before
→ Take a shower everyday: Yes
→ Have a crush: Eh
→ Want to get married: Maybe in the future. It's not something I think about
→ Get motion sickness: I haven't in a while
→ Think you’re attractive: In gets different each day
→ Get along with your parents: Yes

Have you ever…
→ Flashed anyone: Nope
→ Been beaten up: No
→ Shoplifted: No
→ Eaten Sushi: No, thought I'd like to try
→ Been on stage: Yes c:
→ Made homemade cookies: Yes; they weren't really something but eh
→ Gone Skinny dipping: Nope
→ Stolen anything: Nope

In the opposite sex…
→ Best eye color: Aasdf idk I don't pay so much attention; thought I guess dark?
→ Best hair color: Also dark, can you see that I have a type
→ Short hair or long hair: I can like both tbh

Also unrelated to this, but I've gotten it into my head that perhaps opening a graphic shop would not be such a bad idea. It's been a while since I did anything really nice so I guess this could work out c: Still, I'm going to have to think this through because I have no time right now anyway SO. I would mostly do aesthetics in many forms because that's my thing to be honest.

Here are some examples of things I do.
May 19th, 2016 at 02:55pm