Change in the house of flies

I've been thinking of taking up writing again. I used to write all the time when I was younger and had more time. It's something I've never really been good at, but loved nonetheless. My grammar and punctuation are weak, my creativity in this arena isn't very broad. However, I think over the few coming weeks I may try to give it another shot. I've been rediscovering Deftones and how much I actually really like them and I've been thinking of writing a story based on "Change (In the House of Flies". It's about changing someone for the worst and, in my opinion, it could be an amazing story in the hands of someone talented.

The hardest part of writing a new story, for me, is figuring out how to start. Even though I haven't written in years, but I still think about it all the time. Narrating everything in my head exactly how I would write it. All of the plots I come with always start in the climax. That is the part of the story where I get passionate, if that makes sense? I suppose because that is where the most emotion and material is and it's easier to write. Ideas flow faster for me.

If anyone has an tips or tricks, fire away.

July 31st, 2017 at 08:00am