I Am Alive.


I am alive, as the title suggests. Been meaning to write a blog for a while, but I find it incredibly easy to distract myself with other shit. This will be all over the place rambling about everything because apparently, I haven't written a blog in nine months. My bad.

First things first, though, photobucket! What an absolute pain in the arse they're being! I've got so much crap saved on that website, it's going to take me years to move it all! The Mibba banners I've got saved on there are going to be the most time consuming of the lot. FML. So, if I've ever made you a banner/layout and it's gone wonky, hit me up and I'll fix it for you.

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, what else has been happening? Oh yeah, I hate my job. I don't hate my job, per se, more so the owners/managers/lazy bastards who do fuck all. We have a Whatsapp group which we use for a multitude of things, and they're so fucking condescending/pretentious/patronising on there, I want to throw my phone out the window! They're a married couple, and basically hubby bought the business for wifey so she'd get off her arse and do something while he goes out to work. She doesn't, though. She wants a business that will run itself, without any input from her. Basically, myself and my colleagues, run the show. We do her job for her, but she shows no appreciation for us, offers no support, just nit picks at everything we do and it's driving me bloody bonkers!! I should be grateful for being employed and earning my own money, and I am, don't get me wrong. The job is easy enough, it's literally right down the road from boyfriend's house, and I work with a good bunch (apart from one drama queen who I could quite easily punch in the throat). I guess working in hospitality/retail has made me see the ugly side to people. For instance...we close at five thirty. A lady came into the shop at twenty eight minutes past five, and wanted two lattes. I politely informed her that the coffee machine had been switched off because we were closing up in two minutes. So she gave me a dirty look and left. Whatever, I ain't losing no sleep over her. An hour later, there's a message off my boss, telling me the lady had complained on our Facebook page and, in the future, we are to serve right up until five thirty. WTF? GO HOME AND MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN COFFEE, BITCH. Maybe working in a coffee shop wasn't the best idea I've ever had, I'm not all that fond of people. XD

I guess I had a lot to get off my chest...LOL.

In other news, I miss writing and reading! Re-read a few of my old one-shots a few weeks ago, and I cringed hard so I'm going to be re-writing them, which is exciting cause I haven't written in SO LONG. I think I need to do this to ease myself back into it, rather than going full steam ahead into a brand new piece. The creativity has dried up since I started working longer hours, it's literally sucking the life out of me.

I've slowly been working my way through James Patterson's Alex Cross series. Downloaded most of them onto my kindle so I could read on the commute to work. Turns out, that wasn't a good idea when I missed my stop. XD There's some good books in the series, some better than others, and I find I'm reading them a lot quicker on my kindle.

I won't put pressure on myself and promise new content anytime soon, because I'm the world's biggest procrastinator and I'll just feel like a huge let down when I don't produce anything. So I'll just end this rambling mess of words now.

Stay awesome, people!
August 17th, 2017 at 03:34pm