
is it just me or do other people think it would be easier if their families werent their families

i mean i love my brothers and my mum and dad alot

im not one of these i hate my fucking life i wanna die kids

im just not like that

im also not one of these kids that gets hit or is an outcast that no one likes

im quite popular tbh at school
and no one would ever raise a fist at me
i dont no anyone like that

im not sayin my life is perfect
or that its easy

im just saying that im fortunate enough to hav quite a good life

i mean im quite spoilt by my mum
i no that
its not like im a bratty spoilt bitch that gets everything she wants

i just get new clothes and get spoilt on occasion
not every day
but enough

if your actually bothereiong to read this then your probably wondering why i said at the beginning about the families not being your own

the simple fact is that i get on with my mum so much

but my dad half the time acts like im not even there and my brothers are too busy with their lives to be interested in mine

i mean i can see where their coming from their all older than me an go out and get drunk and have girlfriends and jobs

if i was them i wouldnt wanna hang out with my 14 year old little sister

not exactly loads of fun

but they dont even try to be interested in who i am

let me explane
my brothers are all chavs or trendys

and well as you can probably guess im not
and i just wish that sometimes they wldnt be so mean and just be like we accept who you are and what you do


not gunna happen tho
April 3rd, 2007 at 06:13pm