
Tomorrow's Halloween!

What is everyone being (if you are celebrating, that is)?

I'm planning on being Frank (how cliche, I know) from My Chemical Romance. Only I'm the whole Revenge era, with the X's over my eyes, or red eye shadow, and I'm writing HALLOWEEN on my fingers. Somehow, I will get a hold of a red tie, and I'm wearing a white sweater and tank top (my white dress shirt is 3/4 sleeve and is in the wash) and jeans, with my converse (or I might just wear my skull vans).

I would die my hair like Frank did, and cut it but I love my hair too much (when you've had chemo - it's hard to let go of your hair) and my mother would kill me if I did anything drastic to it.

My best friend is being a cop (it's this cop outfit, only a dress and she's got fishnets and boots, also handcuffs [she might handcuff me to a tree later on tomorrow]).

But anyway ideas of what else I can add to my 'costume'?


-sings This Is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas-

ps. something really annoying: we can't wear masks, or have props at school tomorrow. I know, how retarded is that? What do they think we're gonna do?

Funny story - actually, Ana [my bestfriend] and I were walking from the parking lot into Halloween Scene and I look into one of the cars next to her and theres a kid with a Scream mask. We bugged out. Also, in the store there was a mummy and I'm like 'Ana, put this on your front lawn!' and then the mummy started talking and we screamed and ran away. xD I know, we're so stupid.

October 31st, 2007 at 07:38am